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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Don't Worry... Be Crappy...

Pink stones at the top of the hill...
Gathering them one at a time.
People walking in circles at the time of noon
Squawk goes the bird and pretty smiles come about.
Fear nothing
Fear nothing
Hold nothing for too long.
Never lose yourself and keep experimenting - said the wise man.
Rigid beliefs he had and he held his head high.
Shaking his legs for he was restless.
Pendulum he saw swaying from here to beyond.
That's what he said.
For he believed that all is lost for nothing is ever there.
Eeee Haw !!!
Find the fire!
He beckoned.
He laughed at her for she had lost herself
But then she saw that small child playing with the ball
She said then, as she made up her mind.
She said then... I shall stand up for myself and rid myself of this stupid boss.
Anger and frustration.
Boy looks up at the man he is
And the changed friend he found today.
Adios amigo!
Some other time...
For I have other things on my mind.
For I have too much to run after.
The most significant of which is love.
Love for myself.
Love for my beliefs and my endless pursuits to the depths of that dark pit.
Flowers around.
Rain pours down upon hapless souls.
Screaming for mercy they were.
And then said the gymnosophist...
He said something profound.
He said something that had never been heard.
It was laughter.
Hear that again.
It was laughter.
Have you laughed today O sad being?
Worry not, for there are demons around.
Worry not, for there are angels flying.
Worry, only for the lost you.
Worry that you have lost you.
Worry that you have lost you...
Worry about sanity.

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