Support Wikipedia Tiru ka Adda: Stand by me

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stand by me

I wait for your broad smile to blind me as I run to you
There are jungles in between us and the animals call to me...
I run and as I run I smell the dust on you
It turned to melody it did.
So here I stay, swinging away as I bask in your memories
Longing once more to have you seated next to me...
As we ride the magic brooms into a mild winter
There is only so much that I can offer you now
But I offer you respite
And this isn't a competition you once said,
And so I believe you
I believe that you will say yes when I show you a garland of daffodils and fields
We have agreed that most around us are useless
And that you are just gorgeous
We agreed on that, and you bowed your head in shame
I write this sad song to you as I think of you...
It is sad for it is poorly worded
I never did have a touch with stories I know
But let's say this for now...
I'm lying to you and I'm hiding from you
All the secrets that will be known to you when I meet you tomorrow.
Till then, sleep at peace and find a safe way home
I trust your friends and I trust your parrot
Coffee and biscuits and a sweet story just like old times...
Liquor and music and a dark sky ahead
Laughter and joy at a table for 15
Gazing away into the sea,
Gazing away into your face.
Flight of a butterfly and misery of the intolerant
We shall sit back and laugh together
Till we get tired of each other
Then we go back to our magic brooms and find a new land
A new land for a new frame in our minds
We shall laugh always
And sleep at peace
For I know how much you enjoy me
And that is reason enough.

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