Support Wikipedia Tiru ka Adda: Analogies of a worn out mind.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Analogies of a worn out mind.

Humans are usually dead, apart from the occasional spurts when they think.
I see a form looking over us and trying to poke us.
We are rats, you see.
All that is ever controlled is a belief.
A belief that we are superior.
More than 6 billion of such life forms and only a few are worth mentioning.
Only a few are remembered.
Now, how important is that?
A hell lot! - But not for the obvious reason - rather, for a hidden reason.
You remember Adolf right?
But the ones who really remember him - and those are the ones that matter - were the ones who were directly influenced by him.
And now comes the real noodle.
He dies when they die.
Most things are possible and only a few things are plausible - I wonder if you can decipher the analogy.
The rats are poked.
The rats mate.
They eat their food.
And they fight over their resting place.
They die in their sleep.

You see... the poker gassed them.
He was Adolf.

Now, do you see that guy?
He is Schindler.

Sometimes life if forgotten and people forget to oscillate.
At the ends they lie.
So far from the other that 'the other end' becomes a myth.
The ones who dare, swing too fast.
Or they snap at a certain time.
Only a few bring their own strings.

Fewer get their cameras.

Fewer still control their swing.

But the fewest - and these are the Unforgettables - break the glass by learning how to use the momentum.

Can you see the pool?
Can you jump into it with you cell phone in your pocket?
Call me if you can.
I still can't.

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