Support Wikipedia Tiru ka Adda: Warriors of Life

Monday, February 22, 2010

Warriors of Life

There is a song in my heart when I look at her lines
I aim to sail to the line where the twain meet
Every few hours a tear rolls down my skin
Remembering the fire at that hill
And touching the pale of that air

White lights at night bellow at me
To follow them to the darkness
Flight of the birds I see
And I shake my head in disgust

I left my friends behind
And I left my sack at home
I wonder if I ever had one...
Eyes poke at me
For I have lost control

I once thought that I was born with gold
But a realization then dawned
That nothing is made well
And nothing hold its own shape.

I thought that a smile was elusive
And memories were haunting
I see now that nothing need be forgotten
Your mind does that for you

So I will hold your head
And you will hold mine
As I sail with you
Towards that distant line
Where the twain meet
And creatures fill our heart

Fear not
For all will be lost
It is a certainty
Hold that knowledge well
And I will hold you
Till I have the courage to.

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