Support Wikipedia Tiru ka Adda: It eej a tuf

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It eej a tuf

Difficulties baby. U gotta luv life dont u
A lot needs to be accomplished so that you can look back and smile.
Stare away and say - - Mine
Cry a bit and think - - I have put my life to good use
Invention - Ego - Both these terms gel; don't they ?

Its not nice to be blunt about such matters.
But let it be written.
Let the consequences be irrelevant.

When shall the first step be taken off that cliff ?
Waiting to jump towards the sky with my eyes wide open.
Waiting to be prepared for injuries.

1 comment:

shaanebhai said...

acha likhta hai. keep it up.. dont worry abt the id. its a phoney one. its shaane. dint wanna leave my password of gmail here.