Support Wikipedia Tiru ka Adda: October 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just another day inside the Matrix

Why don't you just fall off the cliff that rises 2 feet below the sea shore?
Why not just close all your eyes and stare at a beautiful cockroach?
Why do you need to walk back home after a long tiring day? -
Go home and fight with your spouse -
Worry about the 50 rupee note that you cannot find -
Worry about your child's future -
Worry about your retirement plan -
Vomit everyday that you go to office -
Curse every fucking soul on the street -
Be a fan of the masses -
Be a speculator and an astrologer -
Why do you need to sleep - if all you do is wake up ?
Why do you eat when all you do is take it out ?
Why do you live when all you will attain is death ?
Because death has a lot of friends.
They all walk together.
They appear as random movements to the ignorant eye.
But they all travel blindly - in opposite directions - towards the same eventuality.
Iconoclasts are frowned upon.
Hedonists are absent and/or stoned.
I saw a fish the other day that jumped up from the sea and gobbled me down.
The fish did not smell that good.
But the couple that was cuddling and kissing on 1 side juxtaposed with another quarreling smelt much worse.
The rambling and the nuisance -
The frowning and the grumbling -
The crying and the pain -
All narrowed down to a memento
All came upon a small little fight club

Terrorism has a new meaning.

Destroying buses, taxis or private property, harming another individual physically or damaging people's confidence amount to terrorism.
Acts of Terrorism are 'condemned', unless initiated on the basis of political activism.
Hats off to MNS, VHP, Shiv Sena & the like, for carrying off such brazen, although hilarious, acts.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The confusion awaits the reader.

Mediocre makes me frown.
Goli makes me laugh.
Merry-go-rounds make me throw up with disgust.
Irrelevance makes my eyes bulge out.
Praise is a wall
Anger is not warranted.
Frustration commands respect.
Aloof I kiss.
Zipped I adore.
Action I bow to.
Mediocre makes me angry (Fooling myself eh?).
Laze laze and laze - I respect such.
Tire tire and kill - I respect such.
The blunt at the bottom of a pencil without graphite is the fountainhead.
The sharp corners turn evenly smooth.
The roar of an engine on a silent night through a secluded road is exotic.
The meet of 2 unknowns is erotic.
The scream through a fall is overshadowed by the thud.
The waves warm a lifeless soul.
The valley is a cradle.
The ice shelves beckon.
The ice shelves beckon.
The off white whispers a word of love.
The aurora australis enchants.
The bulging eyes scare the mediocre.
The 2 cans atop a snow capped creation belong together.
There they rest.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Standard Deviation

The question asked is : "What if?"
Kill it.
Cry in front of the person you want to.
Flap your hands in public and be a kid.
Just say "I like you" - if you feel like.
Just say "May be, may be not, may be fuck you" - and go on your path.
Do not sit back if you want to be restless.
If you prefer sanyaas to monotony and luxury - go for it.
If you prefer stupidity to sanyaas - start crying.
The moment your vision is skewed; the possibility of a normal life is remote.
You cannot understand how some people are just so stupid.
And how topics of absolute irrelavance are discussed.
How the external loci affects the internal.
The Skew will grow.
And one fine day you accept that your existence is a nightmare.
Death just might be better.
May be the skew qualifies as a reason for euthanasia.
If you like the Bentley - see nothing else.
If you like your partner - don't fool around and confuse yourself with infidelity.
If you like your house - don't disturb your home.
If you like someone - blurt.
Wanna shout? Scream till your ears hurt.
Don't regret a : " What if? "
If you do - your existence has been a waste.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It is a very good thing that smoking has been banned in public places and indoors.
These humans should not be allowed freedom in a democracy to choose the way they enjoy life.
"Cough Cough"
There are talks of liquor being banned - good thing! 
Who needs it?
Mr. Ramadoss shall be our mesiah and tell us how to control our vices.
Who are we to decide our fate - we clearly do not know right from wrong.
Mr. Ramadoss is our mummy!!!
I believe cars should be banned - - do you know how much they pollute?
They make me cough everytime I go out on the roads.
Evil Cars!!!
Ban them.
Night clubs should also be banned.
Naughty things happen at night - like sex!! Hawww!!
Cheee cheee. . . . Indians should not be allowed to have sex outside a marriage.
Coffee is bad for teeth - - - I have banned that from my daily use.
If I was Mr. Ramadoss I would have banned it for everyone!!
Oil, ghee, butter, chocolate makes one fat - that gives rise to other ailments.
Ban them already!!!
Listening to loud music disturbs others and also increases the amount of bacteria in one's ears.
Stupid humans.
The word ' condom' was censored from the movie 'Hello!'
Of course it should have been!!!
We need more humans to occupy all the empty land in India!!
We hardly have people here in India. - only 1.1 billion.
People should be banned from using the loo.
You know how much waste goes into the sea.
And then we go n do chapp chapp in the sea
Such a sad state of affairs I say.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Mr. Raj wants names of establishments in Marathi - hahahahaha
Momooota ji wants no nano - therefore Tata said aavjo n went to gujju dhandho land
Stupid people do not want SEZ - I wonder why - ( they have NOT been influenced by local gundaas or politicians. NO WAY )
So called 'investors' in the market blame promoters, regulators, traders, brokerages - but not their own stupid selves for wanting to use the stock exchange as a means to gamble.
Mr. Raj also wants certain hardworking immigrants to leave so that lazy people can replace them.
How smart!!! - -  why did I not think of that!!!
And there, in some rural area - 2 bafoons wear some orange things on their heads and pretend to shoot arrows.
No organised retail because we do not want an efficient supply chain; we do not want maximum benefit going to farmers, we do not want cheaper prices, we do not want better quality, we do not want ancillary sectors like logistics, warehousing, transport and service industries to flourish.
We do not want more jobs, better paying jobs, technological progress, ancillary establishments, better standards of living - so let's postpone the Nano project and remove those idiots.
Who do they think they are? As if we will let them bring progress to our impoverished society.

I said hello to a Bentley that belonged to the govt. of Karnataka just a year ago.
Alas - That car must have become too old for the fat slobs inside.
I also said hello to palacial bungalows that belong to politicians (believe me; they are really small!!! - I wonder how they survive!!!!!!)

O and let us not forget to litter anywhere we go.
This is my country and it is my birth right to dirty it as I please.
O please let me bribe the traffic guy - I am running late
O please let me spit out of my window (not my fault; it is the damn gutka's fault.)

But let me feel proud when I see the national flag.
Let me rejoice on hearing the national anthem before I see a movie.
Let me abuse the - smart - politicians who cannot control inflation and cannot support the stock market.

Allow me to sleep and dream of a better society.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Latent Talent

No kutte - this is not a word jumble - - yucky yucky yuck!!
This refers to the fact that those who are dead are not dead.
They are alive and kicking and rotting inside the flesh and the exterior
Blah - dulllllllllllllll
Kids are taught to memorise!!! and learn!!!! and vomit!!
This is right!!!
That is wrong!!!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo - - - - kiddoo!!! you are not smart enough
You are dumb.
Dum Dum (not digga digga)
In the process the P.E. keeps accumalating to give a rich tasty dividend in the end.
Well; that is the purpose of the P.E.
But even that - is not allowed to metatmorphose into K.E. 
Dum Dum world!! - shame on you!

Imagine the number of R.G.Rs waiting!!
All for one and one for all!!!
Up yourssssssssssss!!!!!!!

(I have to learn to control my temper eh?)
Then there are a select few who realise their latent talent and start exploding and exploring and exciting and searching and eating and pooping.
And the poop spreads its tentacles and eats others' heads.
O the cannibalism that follows.
Can you even imagine the horror!!!
Can you imagine!!!

I guess not - - because you are too stupid to understand what I have written.
If you are not stupid - - don't waste your time reading such rubbish
Go and gobble!!!
You fat, aggressive, hyperactive, pragmatic, eccentric bugger!!
Gobble fast and digest thoroughly

Please dont forget to poop!
The poop and the stench of the poop is creative.

Forgive me for I have sinned.
I have dared to be stuuuuupid.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

North Korea

I was reading the Economist the other day. There was an article on North Korea.
Supposedly there was a famine between 1995 - 98 - and approx. 1million people died.
Any number above 4 - is just a number. If it is 3 or less - - then people are astonished.
"Did you know x, y & z died this way?"
"OMG! How awful !!! :-( "
Well it is pretty hilarious - this behaviour by humans.
Anyways; my point is - why do people in North Korea even have the will to live?
Famine + rape + torture + hunger + poverty + execution + no option + full stop
So what do they really look forward to?
My hunch: 
Death is a supposed evil - and suicide is being the devil
"You are not the rightful owner of your life - so you are not a decision maker?"
Most probably I am wrong.

Then again; why do most humans decide to live?
If there is nothing concrete to look forward to.
Poor; irritated; frustrated; physically challeneged; intellectually incapable; family pressures; societal pressures.
Ask yourself : "What do I want to attain from this life?"
Is it the road that matters? - will the road be enjoyable or adventurous - such that I would look forward to it?
Is the destination worth the bitchy road?

There are a lot of people who live for a reason - they wont say it - and I understand that it makes sense.
But most people do not even think about why they are alive.
Or why they are going through what they are going
Or why they are travelling the road.
The "WHY" is missing.

Humans are very amusing creatures.
I laugh everyday just thinking of them.